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Welcome to Community Reviews
CommunityReviews.org is a community crowd based rating and review platform for individuals and businesses where community members can post and review their experiences for other community members to view rate and share. Also known as To Tell Your Story.
Reviews on our platform are called “Experiences”. You can add your name and contact information to the end of a posted experience and personalize your praise for a Person or Business that you believe is outstanding.
We believe the current way of reviewing a Business is incomplete. A review stays online for many years even though the employee who caused a negative review may have moved on a long time ago.
We also believe the current way of posting a review could be improved by including the following:
- Anonymity for the reviewer.
- Reviews of Persons in addition to Businesses.
- Provide a platform where the Reviewed and Reviewer may communicate to resolve the experience. Our Experience Challenge.
- A community crowd based rating system that allows for Persons or Businesses to accept responsibility for a negative experience by donating to a nonprofit which can improve their rating. Our Charitable Giving Challenge.
- The ability to post a video in addition to the normal write up.
- Experiences older than 7 years will not be factored into your rating,
- Reviews can be easily posted and do not require the Person or Business being reviewed to be a member of Community Reviews.
- Personal or Business Reviews can be posted with any of the following commonly known information:
1. Phone Number (Traditional or Mobile);
2. E Mail Address;
3. Street Address;
4. License Plate Number;
and or
5. Online Presence. - Notification of a posted Experience may be sent to the Person or Business reviewed if a mobile phone number or e mail address is entered.
Please take a few moments and complete our INDUSTRY SURVEY so we can make Community Reviews a better online destination for everyone.
Please post an experience about Community Reviews by using the business name CommunityReviews.org and email address via the Post a Business or Website Form by: CLICKING HERE. If you click The Form Link, we will auto populate the Post an Experience Form for you. If you have an account, you will be asked to sign in. If you are not a member, you will be asked to create an account.